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Tiffany T. Fantasia, A.K.A. Ebony Legs of South Beach, is a Capricorn, which makes her sharp, hardworking and fully in control of her destiny. All necessary traits for a self-made diva that’s been rocking the SoBe scene for years as an MC, dancer, singer, comedian and – as she likes to boast – Andy Cohen’s favorite drag queen! Her style? “A combination of dancing and comedy that’s unique to who I am as an individual,” she says. A consummate professional though she may be, performing is not just about pleasing the crowd for Tiffany. It’s just as much about the positive energy the crowd throws back at her. “Performing at the Palace is very therapeutic,” she says. “The fans show true appreciation to you every time.” So, be sure you cheer loud and proud for Tiffany whenever she struts her stuff. “Don’t be a dry hoe,” as she likes to say. “Be a greasy bitch!”
Follow her Instagram @tiffanyfantasia